The Natural Asymmetry Assessment Course

For Equestrians Who Want to Identify their Horse's Asymmetry

Take the First STep to a Balanced Horse

  • Awaken your understanding of imbalance
  • Assess the 8 dimensions of natural asymmetry
  • Address the root cause of your horse's struggles  

Get Over € 935 Worth of Value—Today for Just €7

Take the Course Now »

You Are A Devoted Horse Owner...

If you're like most equestrian riders, you want to understand your horse, connect deeper, and you would do anything for them.

But Something's Not Quite Right...

Your horse's movement and performance aren't as smooth as you'd like.

Perhaps you've even noticed your horse has a stronger bend to one side - something you've recently discovered from our quiz.

Despite your best efforts, you're facing challenges with your horse, such as: 

  • Stiffness
  • Resistance
  • Taking the bit on one side
  • Difficulty with turns and transitions
  • Uneven gaits or movements

These can really put a damper on your riding experience.

The Hardest Part?

You've been trying to help your horse, but feel unsure what to do about your horse's left- or right bend:

  • Is it severe? 
  • How bad is it? 
  • How will it affect us?

These questions might be spinning through your mind. 

You might be worried you're in over your head.

Perhaps you're even starting to doubt your own ability to spot the asymmetry.

And what if there's more to it...

Discover The Full Scope

Your horse being left- or right-bended is just one piece of the natural asymmetry puzzle.

In The Straightness Training Academy, we've identified 8 different dimensions of natural asymmetry.

Only once we assess the natural asymmetry in its full scope, we can start addressing it.

You, Too, Can Learn This Skill!


  • You, too, can learn how to recognize your horse's natural asymmetry!
  • You, too, can train your eye and identify the 8 dimensions of natural asymmetry!

Let me help you!

If you're new to me...

I'm Marijke de Jong, and I know what it feels like to worry about your horse - I've been there too.

I once had lots of concerns about my horse, Maestro, who was extremely right-bended. By discovering the full scope of natural asymmetry and using the principles of Straightness Training, I was able to address the root cause of his struggles and create long-lasting change.

I've since guided thousands of riders on a similar journey of transformation. It all begins with assessing the 8 dimensions of natural asymmetry in their horses.

That's why I'm excited to  invite you to the Natural Asymmetry Assessment Course!

Get Instant Access For Just €7 Right Now »

Lay The Foundation For Your Transformation

In 3 Simple Steps:

Awaken your awareness

In this course you have the opportunity to look at videos of different horses to learn the skill to recognize natural asymmetry.

Assess the asymmetry

Learn to identify the 8 dimensions of natural asymmetry and see the effect on your horse's behavior.

Address the root cause

Learn the principles of Straightness Training so you have the keys to counteract your horse's natural asymmetry.

This Is What You'll Learn In The Course:

  • Discover the 8 dimensions of natural asymmetry in your horse - from top to tail and everything in between.

  • Learn how to assess each dimension with over 40 videos and a comprehensive workbook.
  • Gain confidence in your ability to assess your horse's natural asymmetry and understand how it affects their performance.

  • Develop a deeper understanding of your horse's body and be able to identify and address asymmetry issues early on.

  • Gain a new perspective on horse training and become a more knowledgeable and effective horse trainer.
Get Instant Access For Just €7 Right Now »

Here's How It Works:

Everything Is Online - No Travel Required

Not only will you learn how to identify the natural asymmetry, but you'll also receive a workbook and 40+ examples to help you assess the 8 dimensions in your own horse.


Masterclass about the 8 Dimensions of Natural Asymmetry 

  • The full scope of natural asymmetry can subtly but steadily affect your horse's performance in the short-term, and, if ignored, may even lead to long-term health issues. Worst of all, many riders aren't even aware of it!

  • This Masterclass will help you broaden your perspective and delve deeper to fully understand the 8 dimensions of natural asymmetry.

  • Imagine how powerful you'll feel once you've unlocked the secrets to your horse's struggles and issues!


Natural Asymmetry Assessment Sessions

  • Many horse owners fail to recognize the natural asymmetry and miss out on improving their horse's performance. Don't let this be you!
  • Get access to 40+ examples of assessing a horse on video to train your eye. In these sessions, we'll look at videos of different horses so you'll learn what to keep an eye on to diagnose natural asymmetry.
  • As a result, you'll be able to more accurately identify the 8 dimenions of natural asymmetry in your own horse, leading to more targeted and effective training.



  • Benefit from a powerful workbook to help you assess each of the 8 dimensions of natural asymmetry.
  • With this workbook you'll be able to take action on what you've learned in the masterclass and the sessions and it will help you assess the natural asymmetry in your horse.
  • At the end of the course, you'll leave with a deep understanding of natural asymmetry in horses, and the knowledge and tools you need to assess it in your own horse.

And There Is More...

Accelerate Your Progress With These Extra Bonuses

These extra benefits will help you get to the next level of you and your horse's abilities easier and faster! 

Bonus #1

Straightness Training Masterclass

Now you understand your horse's strengths and weaknesses, learn about the 6 keys of Straightness Training to address your horse's specific needs.

Value € 197 Included with your course

Bonus #2

"Ten Training Tips" Session

Keep building on what you learned in the Course with Ten Training Tips to help you continue your journey towards becoming a better horse trainer. 

Value € 97 Included with your course


Here's Everything That You Get Today:

This course provides you with essential resources for a thorough and accurate assessment of natural asymmetry

Let's List The Value You'll Get That's Included:

  • Instant access to the Natural Asymmetry Masterclass (€197 value)
  • Full access to 40+ Natural Asymmetry Assessment Sessions (€397 value)
  • Download the Natural Asymmetry Assessment Workbook (€47 value)
  • Bonus 1: Extra Straightness Training Masterclass (€197 Value)
  • Bonus #2: Extra "Ten Training Tips" Session (€97 Value)

You Get Over € 935 Worth of Value!


Yours Today For Just: 


YES! I Want Instant Access to the Course For Just €7 Right Now »

*This is a special introductory offer: If you come back to this page later and the price has gone up, unfortunately you will have to pay the significantly higher price tag. Don’t lose out on this opportunity

Here's What Others Are Saying About The Natural Asymmetry Assessment Course:

Les E.

I'm totally convinced by Straightness Training to counteract Natural Asymmetry. Finally something makes sense about all the problems we've been experiencing with horses over the years. So excited to learn and walk the road on this exciting journey.

Jocelyn L.

Super cool that after being in ST for some time all these asymmetries just pop out and become so natural to observe and see. It's interesting to see that all horses that we have seen all have more or less the same asymmetries. 

Ilona Marianna H.

All very helpful, clear explanations!!! Thank you Marijke for all your sharing and thank you all who shared. All are very helpful and never enough to hear/watch till the knowledge/skill will be bulit completely in our cells.

Kerry L. B.

This was fantastic, and informative and so good to see so many people, on the same journey to better ourselves and our horses. Pro Equo, always!

Kit T.

Marijke you never fail to amaze me with your brilliance. I saw so much more this time. Climbing the ladder slowly but still climbing thanks to you

Åsa Möller

So interesting to see all the horses and to see that #nothinghasgonewrong with my horse ;) It is all just natural assymmetry!

Polina P.

Thanks a lot, Marijke! I have learned loads. As an owner of an Akhal-Teke I loved to hear this: "there is no carrying ability in the hind legs yet, but there is a lot of POSSIBILITY". Be a possibility partner!!!

Stephany R.T.

I’m so happy to be here joining everyone for this exciting in-depth training summit. This is so so helpful! I can’t thank you enough for doing this training and providing it on such an easy to use online platform!

Sarah K.

I’m so happy to be here joining everyone for this exciting in-depth training course. This is so so helpful! I can’t thank you enough for doing this training and providing it on such an easy to use online platform!

Erica S.

Love the explanation of the pushy hindlegs with the beautiful and very clear video's. Never saw it so clearly explained. Thank you!

Saskia S.

Thank you so much for all the clear explanations. This is great.

Peter M.

Once you see it
you can't un-see it!

Em F.

I so like the knowledge I have gained without noticing it even happen. I was entirely uncertain about my horse's natural asymmetry at the beginning and now I realise he is definitely right bended and finds going left on a circle and particularly haunches very hard. Such good unexpected learning! 


Who Can Benefit From This Course?

There is a reason we're successful in the horse training world: our STrategies work across an enormous range of breeds, with riders across 65+ countries and from a variety of disciplines at virtually every stage of their journey.

And that's why I made sure the Natural Asymmetry Assessment Course could help you, regardless your background.

This course was specifically built to help people with horse's like... 

  • Warmbloods: Hanoverian, Trakehner, Selle Français, KWPN, ISH, etc.
  • Coldbloods: Clydesdales, Shires, Percherons, Norikers, Haflingers, Norwegians etc.
  • Hot bloods: Thoroughbreds, Arabians, Akhal-Teke, Spanish Barbs, Anglo-Arabians etc.
  • Ponies: Connamaras,Welsh Cobs, Gypsy Cobs, Hackneys, Shetlanders, POAs, etc. 
  • Barock horses: Lusitanos, Friesians, PREs, Frederiksborgers, Lippizanians, etc.
  • Gaited horses: Icelandics, Paso Finos, Campolinas, Peruvian Pasos, Tennessee Walkers, etc.
  • Natural Horsemanship horses: Parelli, Monty Roberts, clicker, liberty, and related approaches 
  • Western Horsemanship horses: cow horses, ranch horses, reining, cutting, trail, pleasure etc.
  • Sports horses: dressage, eventing, jumping, endurance, race, polo, vaulting, Working Equitation, etc.
  • Classical Dressage horses: Baroque/Renaissance, German/ French/Italian school, Doma Vaquera, etc.
  • Other discplines: Driving, Side Saddle, Mounted Archery, and other styles.

Long storys short:

If you do something with a horse, then this course is for you.


Because every horse is asymmetrical by nature. 

Overlooking this fact can lead to a whole range of physical and behavioral issues - regardless of the horse's breed or equestrian discipline.

Only a flexible, supple, strong and balanced horse will help you reach your goals. 

So it's crucial and essential to focus on symmetrical development in your horse's body and limbs.

This course has everything you need to assess all dimensions of your horse's natural asymmetry.

So if you're ready to become a pro at assessing and addressing natural asymmetry in your horse, then this course is for you!

Get Instant Access For Just €7 Right Now »

A Fair Warning...

What if you ignore the 8 dimensions of natural asymmetry?

Well, you could keep running into these performance roadblocks.

Even worse, your horse's health could be at risk.

Without assessing and addressing the full scope of natural asymmetry, you might face persistent challenges in training and riding.

Don't let this happen.

Remember, the struggles you're experiencing are neither your fault nor your horse's.

They're simply the result of natural asymmetry - a common trait in all horses. 

With an assessment of your horse's natural asymmetry, you can be certain that you are taking the first and crucial step towards transformation.

Start Your Assessment Today 

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