Get STarted with the 8 STage Success Pathway

For Equestrians Who Want to Get STarted with Straightness Training

Balance Your Horse
in 8 Weeks 

with Groundwork

  • Master the Essential Groundwork Exercises
  • Take the Proven STeps to Balance Your Horse
  • Get Certified in Groundwork in 8 Weeks

Benefit from a Limited-Time Offer—Today 50% OFF

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You Want the beST For Your Horse!

You're eager to turn your knowledge about natural asymmetry into practical skills.

You're ready to take action, committed to improve your horse's wellbeing and performance with Straightness Training.

But the Path Isn't Always Clear...


You know what you need to do, but the how is a bit blurry:

  • How to turn your nightmare into dream horse?
  • How to start a new horse?
  • How to rehabilitate an older horse?
  • How to keep your senior going?

You feel a bit unsure, or you're struggling to know where to STart and how to proceed...


I've Got You Covered!

If you're new to me...

I'm Marijke de Jong, and I' ve helped thousands of equestrians go from feeling confused and stuck with their horse to feeling confident and moving forward. 

Getting STarted is Easy:

3 Simple STeps to STart Your Straightness Training Journey.

Get Clarity

Say goodbye to confusion and overwhelm as we break down your journey towards success into 8 STages. Gain clarity on where STart, and what STeps to take next.

Get Confidence

Clarity creates confidence. By using proven STrategies, your horse will understand what you want and be motivated to work with you, making training more easy for both of you.

Get Certified

Complete the 8 STages to earn your Groundwork Grade 1 Certification. This is a testament to training with clarity and confidence, unlocking both your potential and that of your horse.

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What I like the most is that I got so many answers to many of my questions. I now understand what it takes to train a horse and why you should train a horse other than indeed doing one hour with walk, trot and canter left and right. If everyone does it like that and they teach you like that, you initially think that that is the right way. But I noticed it wasn't getting me any further. Now I know why!

Geralde P.

My favourite part is the intensity, as this has made me take action - thank you :-) Love the support, and I'm looking forward to moving onwards and upwards!

Gillian T.

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Get STarted Now...



Get STarted

The 8 STage Success Pathway

In 8 weeks, you'll feel like a next-level horse trainer—get certified in Groundwork Grade 1!


What You'll Learn in Each STage of the Success Pathway:

STage 1

Understanding Horses

  • How to understand your horse so your horse understands you so you can communicate on a deeper level.

STage 2

Motivating Horses

  • How to motivate your horse to cooperate with you and build a strong foundation for your partnership. 

STage 3

Schooling Horses

  • How to build foundational strength that you can use in training your horse more effectively and in a way that is beneficial to your horse's well-being.

STage 4

Teaching Groundwork

  • How to teach your horse essential groundwork exercises that counteract the natural asymmetry, such as standstill exercises, circles, shoulder-in, and haunches-in.

STage 5

Integrating Exercises

  • How to combine the fundamental groundwork exercises in an empowering routine, where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

STage 6

Optimizing Quality

  • How to optimize the quality of your horse's performance and create long-lasting change.

STage 7

Constant Improvement

  • The importance of constant and never-ending improvement when it comes to your own approach.

STage 8

Evaluation & Certification

  • How to set yourself up for a successful evaluation and achieve Groundwork Grade 1 certification.

These 8 STages Help You Close The Gap

They help you reduce the difference between where you are and where you want to be.

Get STarted gives you simple, easy to use and proven STrategies to help you not only develop your basic groundwork, but also grow the relationship and strengthen the bond between you and your horse!

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I love the STages! One STep at a time! Each time I go through them I find more and more!! My horse and I are so grateful. I am grateful for the increasing knowledge and I am sure my horse is grateful that I am starting to get it right! Thank you!!

Diane B.

At the beginning of ST, I had a horse with problems - mental state was really demanding to deal with, but now we have changed it! My pace is slow, but I am so happy to have so nice support from Marijke, team and community, I like that the most! 

Ivana S.

A wonderful experience.
So much valuable step-by-step information. My favorite part of Get STarted is that it is meted out slowly in doable chunks. I also find the milestones very helpful. I am inspired and can feel more connection with all my horses. 

Elaine L.

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And There Is More...

Receive 8 Weeks of EXTRA Coaching, FREE!

These bonus coaching benefits are just what you need to help fast-track your journey towards Groundwork Grade 1 certification by the end of your 8 STage Success Pathway.


Bonus #1:

30 STep Email Coaching

Don't know where to STart or what to do next? I've got your back with email coaching! During 8 weeks, I'll stay in touch with you, guiding you through the STeps, making the process and experience super easy for you!

  • Value € 97 Included in your 8 STage Success Pathway

Bonus #2:

Live, Online Group Classes

Curious how others are going through the 8 STages? Then join our weekly live classes. Think of it as virtual clinics, accessible from any device, right from the comfort of your home! With our 8 live online classes, you'll get to see how others tackle the same challenges. 

  • Value €600 Included in your 8 STage Success Pathway

Bonus #3:

Coaching Collection

Can't make it to the live calls? Don't worry! Just catch up with the replays. And that's not all: For 8 weeks, you get access to the entire Groundwork Coaching Collection with replays of all past classes. Get ready for exponential growth as you learn from a whole community of riders. 

  • Value €600 Included in your 8 STage Success Pathway

Bonus #4:

Personalized Video Coaching

In your first 8 weeks, I'll be there to give you a helping hand with tailored feedback on your groundwork. This ensures you're doing the right things and that you're doing it right from the get-go.You'll gain more confidence and watch your skills improve. Trust me, this one-on-one guidance is priceless in your journey.

  • Value 2x €167 Included in your 8 STage Success Pathway

Bonus #5:

The Private Scholars Community

Sometimes, it feels like you're the only one doing ST. Not anymore! Get 24/7 access for 2 whole months to our exclusive Scholars Community on Facebook. Ask your questions, share your journey, stay motivated, and connect with a supportive group of like-minded horse trainers.

  • Priceless! Included in your 8 STage Success Pathway

The Touchstone evaluation feedback was very helpful and kind but constructive. Thankful for the program to give me a goal to reach and more goals to work towards. I want to be better for my horses and my students. 

Adiva M.

My fav part is the avaliabiliy of spending time in all the ST labs of all the amazing students, so much to learn from observation, so Thank You to all of you who stepped out of your comfort zones and submitte videos! 

Donna A.

Bingeing on everyone else's videos in the evenings is my favorite part. I've watched many hours and the videos make all the info from the modules fall into place for me. Love learning from watching other people.

Caroline K.

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Get STarted

The 8 STage Success Pathway

Here's Everything That You'll Get Today:

Lifetime Access to the Get STarted course and the 8 STage Success Pathway:

  • STage 1: Understanding Horses
  • STage 2: Motivating Horses
  • STage 3: Schooling Horses
  • STage 4: Teaching Groundwork
  • STage 5: Integrating Exercises
  • STage 6: Optimizing Quality
  • STage 7: Contant Improvement
  • STage 8: Evaluation & Certification 

(€997 value)

EXTRA: 8 Weeks of Exclusive Access to Coaching, Classes, and Community:

  • Bonus 1: 30 Steps Email Coaching (€97 value)
  • Bonus 2: 8 Live Classes with Marijke(€600 Value)
  • Bonus 3: 8 Weeks Coaching Collection (€1997)
  • Bonus 3: 2 Video Reviews (2x€167 Value)
  • Bonus 4: Private Community (priceless)

Total Value: € 4,025 


You Get It ALL Today For: 

€997 €497

(That's Over 50% OFF!)


Here’s What To Expect From 

Get STarted 

Before the 8 STages

❌ Training your horse but not really making progress...

❌ Spending a fortune on specialists with little to show for it...

❌ Second guessing yourself, "What's wrong with your horse?"

  Feeling frustrated seeing others succeed... you're still stuck.

❌ Often confused or lost, while trying to fix your horse... 

After the 8 STages  

Having a STrategy that works (regardless your horse's breed).

No longer fighting the symptoms, instead, addressing the root cause!

Finally feeling confident because now you "get it".

Knowing EXACTLY what STeps to take to move forward.

✅ Feeling empowered and sure of your next STep!

You’re Protected By Our
100% Action Taker's Money Back Guarantee

The Get STarted 8 STage Success Pathway has the power to profoundly change you and your horse's life, and if you do the work, I'm absolutely certain it's going to help you get certified.

If, by the end of the first 8 weeks, you have not achieved your Groundwork Grade 1 Touchstone Certification after completing all required STeps, simply send us your completed work—we will then issue you a full refund.

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I’d like to say that this has been incredible journey into ST and I want to thank Marijke, the instructors and the Scholars. I am very thankful for Marijke’s feedback on my videos, which really help me to understand how I need to proceed if I want to start ST training. The opportunity to watch Groundwork Classes is a huge resource. I’ve seen that many scholars faced the same problems as I have now. I’ve had the chance to see how they cope with them and what results they achieve. The self-mastery and the experience of other Scholars help me to stop my disempowering thoughts and to move forward. Thank you so much!

Iryna L. 

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Your Questions Answered

Get answers to the most frequently asked questions.

Everything Is Online - No Travel Required

  • The entire course is available online, so you can participate from home
  • You can revisit and review the materials and resources any time
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You'll Have Support Every Step Of The Way

In The ST Academy, you'll never feel lost or left behind

As soon as you join The ST Academy, you'll have guidance and support from a team of like-minded horse lovers in a safe and encouraging environment.


We have a really, friendly, helpful, supportive group of Scholars & Instructors in our ST community. 


Within 24/7 you'll have a response on your question from fellow Scholars or an ST Instructor.


All core modules have special FAQ sections with dozens of answers to frequently asked questions.

Crew ST

If you have technical issues or a challenge you need help with, simply email us and we'll get you sorted.

Gina S.

My favorite part was all the support of a team! So much better knowing we are all working together towards a common goal - the benefit for the horse. Somehow increases the energy to keep going and see how far we can go....

For me it was the whole process, how we got to do it all together from start to finish! It made me feel like I was a part of something bigger!

Klara B.

I miss my horse friends around me, but with this program I feel more together learning new stuff again :)

Mirjam T.

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Let's Face It...


Choosing not to embark on this journey may leave you stuck where you are - unsure about the theory, unable to train effectively, and not achieving the results you desire.

Imagine achieving Groundwork Grade 1 Certification, proving to yourself and others that you have the knowledge and skills to train your horse effectively, develop a strong connection, and create an empowering partnership.

All of this is possible with the 8-STage Success Pathway from The Straightness Training Academy.

Don't just dream about it—make it a reality.

Ready For a Transformation?


Whether you want to take your existing skills to new heights, start your youngster, keep your senior going, or you're just starting out, the 8 STage Success Pathway of Get STarted can help you achieve the results you are looking for!

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