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With Your Straightness Training Resources

Tap into decades of Straightness Training experience
with these incredible resources.

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Straightness Training (ST)

My name is Marijke de Jong

I’ve designed this website with my great passion for horses, and I’m very excited to have you here!

Here's why:

  • Straightness Training helped thousands riders all over the world—keeping their horses fit, supple and strong as a riding horse until an old age.
  • No matter your horse's breed—Straightness Training helps every kind of horse to develop symmetrically in body and limbs so that your horse can carry you in a healthy way.

Where to STart

If you're new to Straightness Training...

Let me walk you through an overview of Straightness Training resources and opportunities I offer to get you started with ST. 


There's no 'right' or 'wrong' way to get STarted—just pick a resource that suits you!


Study Vault

Optimize your knowledge

The Straightness Training STudy Vault is jam packed with 250+ articles with background information on all aspects of natural asymmetry and Straightness Training. 

STudy Vault »

More Resources For Inspiration

Explore our STuff to help you achieve your own ST goals

Get your questions answered, benefit from over 70 tips, enjoy the blog posts, and get motivated by the STories of our STudents!

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Reviews »


Enjoy the audio experience

No matter where you are on your Straightness Training journey, or what challenges you're facing, this podcast will inspire you to shift your mindset, lift your mood, and drift into action, so you can achieve the results you are looking for.

Listen to the Podcast »


Real STudents. Real Results!

Our Scholars started off exactly where you are today — wanting to become a next-level horse trainer and to make a positive difference for their horse. Hear from our Scholars who tranformed asymmetry in to balance and their dreams into reality.

Read the STories »


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The ST Academy Song

With Jonathan Mann

Listen to the song that is expressing the essences of Straightness Training.

Personalize Your Smartphone with a STunning Wallpaper

Explore our collection of 30+ captivating wallpapers and give your smartphone a fresh, inspiring look.

Get ready to transform your device with a wallpaper that resonates with your passion for Straightness Training.

Wallpapers »

They Did it. So Can You!

Hear what other STudents have to say about their Straightness Training journey:

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