Join the ST Mastery Scholars Program

For Equestrians Who Want to Master All Five Training Pillars and Create Real Change

Unlock Your Horse's
True Potential

with Straightness Training 

  • STart with groundwork, then continue with longeing, work in hand, riding and ST at liberty.
  • In 8 weeks, you'll feel like a next-level horse trainer.
  • In 12 months, you'll be one—bringing out the magnificent giant your horse is meant to be.
Join ST Mastery Scholars Now »


STart Now—Save 20% »

Join the ST Mastery Scholars Program

For Equestrians Who Want to Create Real Change

Unlock Your Horse's
True Potential

with Straightness Training 

  • In 8 weeks, you'll feel like a next-level horse trainer.
  • In 12 months, you'll be one—bringing out the magnificent giant your horse is meant to be.
STart Now—Limited-Time Offer

✔ Turn frustration into progress

✔ STart your youngster

✔ Rehabilitate your senior

✔ Take your skills to new heights

Does this sound like your horse?...

  • Having a "good" and "bad" side
  • Being heavy on one rein
  • Not willling to go "on the bit"
  • Lacking forward in walk
  • Irregular in trot
  • Difficult to canter to one side
  • Pushy in one direction
  • Easily upset or spooky
  • Being good, but not great
  • Having a good and bad side
  • Being heavy on one rein
  • Not willing to go "on the bit"
  • Lacking forward in walk
  • Being irregular in trot
  • Hard to canter to one side
  • Pushy in one direction
  • Easily upset or spooky
  • Being good, but not great

First, let me tell you—you're not alone!

Thousands of riders have been sharing these exact issues with me in lessons, workshops, clinics, emails, and on social media (and I'd bet that these problems are familiar to many more people!)

They feel frustrated or disappointed because they know that not fixing the issue means staying stuck—either at the same level or in their struggles—FOREVER!


Here's the truth—it's not your fault! 

The real reason that your horse is difficult to ride or hard to train? 

It's a hidden force almost nobody talks about.

Chances are, no one has ever taught you how to recognize and handle it—until now.


Meet the Hidden Force holding you back...

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Your horse's natural asymmetry is an invisible power that stands in the way of the results you're looking for.

And even worse...

Unaddressed natural asymmetry can RUIN your training session, your equestrian journey—even your horse's life!

What if you could finally and easily overcome your struggles?

  • What if you were able to end unnecessary suffering caused by your horse's natural asymmetry—once and for all?

  • What if, instead of feeling frustrated and stuck, you could experience a whole new level of harmony and balance with your horse?
  • Picture yourself achieving things you once thought impossible, where you and your horse move as one.
  • Imagine how incredible it would feel to ride a horse that’s aligned, responsive, and connected—a true partner in every stride.
Join ST Mastery Scholars Now »

Join thousands of riders who created real change with Straightness Training

Proven success with 100+ horse breeds—here’s a glimpse of what it looks like...

✔ African Warmblood

✔Akhal Teke

✔ Appalousa

✔ Andalusian

✔ Baroque cross

✔ Brazilian Sport Horse

✔ Dutch Warmblood

✔ Finn horse

✔ Fjord

✔ Frederiksborger

✔ Gypsy Cob

✔ Irish Sport Horse

✔ Lipizzaner

✔ Lusitano

✔ Mérens



✔ Shetland Pony

✔ Thoroughbred

✔ Tinker

✔ Tori Horse

✔ Paint

✔ Welsh Cob

✔ Warmblood

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You, too, can get these results!

It’s No Secret...

If you learn how to train your horse (and in the way I'll be showing you on this page),
then you'll have everything you need to create balance, harmony and real change. 

 You, too, can have the horse you’ve always dreamed of!

From: Marijke de Jong

Location: Lisbon, Portugal

Dear ST enthusiast,

No matter your experience,  equestrian discipline, or your horse's breed or age... learning how to balance your horse – using my horse-friendly and proven "Straightness Training" formula – can help you create real change for you and your horse, getting the balance and harmony you've always dreamed of. 

After having some very crooked horses myself, and after decates of teaching other riders of all levels, I can honestly say that unlocking the magnificant giant within your horse is one of the most fulfilling and rewarding adventures you can experience in this lifetime.

I also believe that the horse world will improve immensely when more horses are developed  not only physically, but also mentally, emotionally and spiritually  by people like YOU! People who put the well-being of their horse first! 

Now is this program for you?

Let me quickly describe the nature, mindset and experience of the person this program is designed for...

    You're just starting out, or for whatever reason, you're struggling with your horse, not getting the results you want, or you feel like you're stuck— then this is for you.
  • IF YOU WANT TO GO FROM GOOD TO GREAT! Right now, you're pretty good in training your horse... but you dont want to settle for "good"; you want to be great—then let's take your game to the NEXT level.
    If you're an instructor and struggling to overcome the natural asymmetry of your students' horses—then this is absolutely designed and made with you in mind!

If any of these sound like you, keep reading...

This could be the most important and game-changing program for you and your horse!


I'm Marijke de Jong and over the last 20+ years, I've been sharing all of my Straightness Training secrets in front of thousands of riders from all backgrounds at my in-person and online events.

With my experience, I've been fortunate enough to help riders go from not knowing how to balance their horse... to eventually doing the piaffe, pirouette and other amazing things!

Each of these journeys has proven that with the right guidance, every horse and rider can achieve real harmony, balance, and connection.

And if they could do it, so can you!


That's why I've put together the ULTIMATE A to Z of learning how to overcome your horse's natural asymmetry with Straightness Training (ST), and become the amazing horse trainer you're meant to be!


The ST Mastery Scholars Program

The ST Mastery Scholars Program is the result of 20 years of experience with horses from over hundreds of breeds and thousands of STudents, all sharing the same passion: creating true harmony with their horse.

Here's What You'll Get in the ST Mastery Scholars Program

Whether you are just starting out, or want to take your advanced skills to new heights, this program can help. It provides crucial elements vital to your success!


Set a compelling vision for you and your horse, and learn how to make it possible, so you can achieve your goals. 


Know exactly where to start and what to do next with the step-by-step instructions and easy-to-use strategies, techniques and tools.


Get coached, get better, and get the results you are looking for. Master the skills you need to achieve harmony with your horse.


You're not just training—you're transforming. And best of all, you’ll have the proof to back it up with the certifications you'll earn.

Case STudies

See how others apply ST with their horses in their training sessions, so you can accelerate your own progress.


Make connections, get support, and build relationships with other like-minded scholars that last a lifetime.

  • Clarity—Set a compelling vision for you and your horse.
  • Confidence—Know exactly where to STart.
  • Coaching—Get coached, get better, get results.
  • Certification—You'll hav proof to back it up.
  • Case STudies—Accelerate your program.
  • Community—Make connection and get support.

In just 8 weeks, you'll feel like a next-level horse trainer...

In 12 Months,
you'll be one!

Here's What You'll Get to Create Balance & Harmony with your horse


Instant Access to the ENTIRE Mastery Program 

Included in your membership

The Mastery Program explains ALL gymnastic exercises in groundwork, longeing, work in hand, riding and Straightness Training at liberty.

From basic to advanced,  from the circle to the pirouette, you'll know exactly how to teach your horse these exercises.

  • Get 23+ years of experience, collected in a well-structured and complete A to Z way.
  • All 'how-to' materials are easy to understand—and more importantly—easy to put to use right away!
  • The best part: You'll get INSTANT access the complete STclopedia the moment you join.

Value €2970 Included in your membership

Take a look at what you will be teaching your horse:


The Core Curriculum—The STclopedia

To make things easy for you, I've broken down the Mastery Program into nine core training modules with supporting video content and complementary manuals. All course materials are available within your online ST library— the STclopedia—and it's packed with STrategies you'll use forever!

Create a solid base

Discover how to counteract your horse's natural asymmetry and how to rebalance your horse with Straightness Training. 

Create a solid base

Discover how to counteract your horse's natural asymmetry and how to rebalance your horse with Straightness Training. 

Set yourself up for success

You'll be following a series of groundwork lessons, and in each exercise I'll give you all details - I’ve left nothing out.

Get your horse fit & flexible

Learn how to stretch, contract, and relax your horse's muscles in walk, trot, and canter, and how to deal with challenges.

Unleash the magnificent giant

Discover the 'why' behind all exercises, so you do them all with essence and for the benefit of your horse.

Become working partners

Get a reliable, strong horse that can carry you easily until an old age and is a horse that you can depend on, wherever you go.

Get united as one

Synchronize with your horse and achieve complete harmony, togetherness, and oneness in your partnership.

Understanding & motivation

Find your horse focused, interested, and strongly motivated to learn and do whatever you want your horse to do.

Find what needs to be found

You'll not walk in the footsteps of the old grandmasters, but search what they were searching and create wisdom from within.

Hear what others have to say about the STclopedia

Unlock a Library of World Class Modules & Lessons

  • Get immediate access to the entire STclopedia—go through it at your own pacein a way that suits you.
  • Get a guided path to master each training pillar—optimize your skills, so you can be the beST! 
  • Benefit from STep-by-STep videos and tutorials—Create real change and harmony with your horse.
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Thousands now use Straightness Training to not only overcome their horse's natural asymmetry but also unlock their true potential

Anna van Rheeden & Super (Indonesian Pony)

"Without ST, our horses would still be unbalanced, muscled in the wrong places, developing navicular disease  – but most of all without ST, I wouldn’t have been able to develop myself as much as I did." 


Rosan Veer & Ciaran (Mérens)

"I thoroughly believe in ST because I have seen the enormous value it has to offer for riders and horses. ST has changed many lives and even saved the lives of horses who were given up on." 


Enroll Now, and Get These Additional Opportunities to Accelerate Your Progress! 


Included in your membership

STrategic Tools to Make the Process Easier for You

With the Email Coaching, you know exactly where to start, what to do next, and where to go when you encounter challenges along the way. I will be sending you personal emails so you can keep moving forward.

The Scholars Planner is an intuitive system that helps you to get more done in less time, spend time well and make each day count. It's a simple, easy, and strategic tool to get you organized and on your way to master Straightness Training. 

Progress Easier, Faster, Better:

  • Know exactly where to STart.
  • Get it done without confusion.
  • No rush, no hurry—You're STeadily moving foward.

Value €297 Included in your membership

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Included in your membership

All-Access Pass to All of Our Courses

As a free bonus, members of the Scholars Mastery Program can unlock ALL of our courses instantly in the members area:

  • The Natural Asymmetry Assessment Course  
  • The ST Formula Masterclass
  • Get STarted: The 8 STage Success Pathway  
  • Value €1291 Included in your membership
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Included in your membership

Get Better Together with Weekly Group Sessions

Imagine, joining live clinics online to meet other Scholars and see ST Instructors and their horses in action... 

Wouldn't that be cool? That's exactly what you get:

  • In the first week of each month, you'll meet ST Instructors and other Scholars LIVE in an inspiring mastermind meeting to celebrate wins, set goals, and brainstorm opportunities.
  • In the second and third week, you get the chance to train your eye by learning from the LIVE and spoken feedback ST Instructors receive from me on their submitted videos, where they are practicing the EXACT same exercises as you.
  • In the fourth week of each month, get your burning questions answered in a live Q&A session with me, so you never stay stuck. You can post your questions in advance if you can’t make the call live. 

Value €300/m Included in your membership

Here's what Cynthia has to say about the online group sessions:


When you’ll see students doing Straightness Training in all kinds of conditions, you'll feel confident that you can achieve the exact same results. 





Learn from Scholars of all ages, at every level, and in every type of setting you can think of:

 North America

 South America





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Included in your membership

Get Inspired by the Coaching Collection

Don't worry if you can't make it to the live group sessions! Enhance your learning with the Coaching Collection. 

  • Enjoy the Mastermind replays of previous months—and liSTen to fellow Scholars and booST your motivation immediately. 
  • Deepen your knowledges wth the extensive archive of past group coaching sessions—you’ll widen your wisdome and sharpen your skills even more.
  • Speed up your progress with the Q&A archive—every question and each answer is a potential lightbulb moment for you, giving you new ideas to improve your training sessions.

Value €1997 Included in your membership

You can easily and quickly find specific examples...

  • Want to see groundwork with a Campolina or Shetlander?

  • Longeing with a Norwegian horse?

  • Work in hand with a stallion?

  • Riding with an Akhal Teke, or Icelandic horse?

  • Liberty with the same stallion—or Fjord?

  • Haunches-in with a PRE?

It’s all right there in the ST Coaching Collection, waiting for you!

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Included in your membership

Get Coached & Get Feedback on Your Videos

When you're actually training your horse, questions might start popping up: "Am I doing the right things?" "Am I doing it right?" 

That’s exactly why, each month, you have the opportunity to submit a video of you and your horse practicing Straightness Training—we call this a Touchstone.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Watch the exercises in your library and read the tutorials.
  2. Put the theory into practice with your own horse.
  3. Record a quick video—no need for perfection, just capture your progress. 
  4. Send me the video, and within days,  you''ll get my personalized feedback.

This approach helps you progress easier, faster, and better.

And the best part?

It's included in your membership—Value €167/m

By the end of 8 weeks, you'll have:

  • The clarity on how to rebalance your horse's body and mind from the ground.
  • The feedback that you do the right things and do things right.
  • The confidence that you, too, can train your horse effectively.
  • The certificate for mastering the groundwork exercises at the level of grade 1.

Here's how it helped Ivana & her two horses transform:

Ivana Kovaříková & Spotty Doc Chex

"The video evaluation I see as the most valuable part. Monthly Touchstones are my routine now. It helps me enormously to keep the right track in the ST journey."

Ivana Kovaříková & Tesstino (OTTB)

"After completing my Touchstones on the level of grade 1 and grade 2, I can see and feel so many changes in myself and my horse. If I hadn´t chosen this path, we would probably be struggling with his physical issues and misunderstanding."

Take a look at the exercises of the Groundwork Grade 2 Touchstone:



It's all within reach, I'll support you every STep of the wayyou're not alone in this!

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Everything is Online—No Travel Required

  • Watch and learn on the go 
  • Access on any computer, tablet, or mobile device
  • Review the materials at your own pace
  • Revisit a lesson as often as you want
  • Watch anytime, anywhere

Learning Straightness Training has never been easier!

Join ST Mastery Scholars »

You'll Have Support Every STep of the Way

In the Scholars Program, you'll never feel lost or left behind

As soon as you join the membership, you'll have guidance and support from a team of like-minded horse lovers in a safe and encouraging environment.


In our Scholars Facebook Group you can share ideas, videos, pictures and connect with fellow Scholars. 


Within 24/7, you'll have a response on your post or question from one of the ST Instructors. 


All core modules have special FAQ sections with dozens of answers to frequently asked questions.

Crew ST

If you have technical issues or a challenge you need help with, simply email us and we'll get you sorted.

STart Your Transformation Now!


Join the ST Mastery Scholars Program

 Exclusive Offer 

  • I’m going to teach you STep by STep, how to train your horse—no matter where you are right now—so you can achieve true balance and harmony.
  • With the exact same STrategies I use with my own horses I could easily charge €300 for a single 60-minute private session. But because you’re here, and you're an ST enthusiast, I’m giving you the chance to join my my ST Mastery Scholars Program—where you'll get so much more!
  • The monthly investment is nothing compared to the powerful value you’ll receive—it could literally be the single most important training to transform not only your horse but your entire life.

And to make this even better, there's something special just for you...

The ST Mastery Scholars Program

Monthly Membership

Billed monthly, cancel anytime



  • 1. The STclopedia (€2,970 Value)
  • 2. STrategic Tools (€297 Value)
  • 3. All our ST Courses (€1,291 Value)
  • 4. Weekly Live Group Sessions (€300/m Value)
  • 5. Coaching Replay Collection (€1,997 Value)
  • 6. Monthly Video Evaluation (€167/m Value)
  • 7. Community Support (Priceless)

Get over €7,000 Worth of Training 

Your Special Price Today:

Just €297/m

YES! I Want to Join ST Mastery Scholars Now »

The price will be converted to your local currency (USD, CAD, AUD, GBP, DKK, or SEK) during checkout. For EU residents, VAT charges might apply as per the billing address. For your security, all orders are processed on a secured server. 🔒

One Thing Can Change Your Whole Life

Now, as attractive as this program is, not all ST enthusiaSTs will become a STudent. Although that’s okay with me from a 'business' standpoint, it still bothers me personally.

You see, I know how much our Scholars and their horses benefit from our program. I read their emails, I talk to them during live sessions, I see them personally on one of my clinics, and hundreds each year tell me that becoming a Scholar in the ST Academy not only changed their way of training horses, but that "it changed my whole life”—just listen to these STudents:

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Real STories, Real Success

Here's proof that the ST Mastery Scholars Program works:


"This is an AMAZING program. I have studied many different dressage and natural horsemanship programs - nothing helps the horses and riders to the degree that this program does. This program brings everything together. I am a lifelong student of dressage, I have read many books and been looking for the secrets of the Masters. When I had the good fortune of coming across this program, I did not hesitate to sign up. I could see that this was what I had been looking for all these years. Dressage seems to have become such a struggle for many, and this program put everything into place for me. I no longer feel the need to look for the secrets and answers to the same degree as before, I understand what and where most of the struggle and problems are arising from. Natural Asymmetry. I now have the basic tools to fix this!"

Kirsty, USA


Maria Retyunskaya & Ave Maria (German Warmblood)

"During these years with ST, me and my horses have changed mentally and physically. I’m happy for me and for Ave Maria. We made it together and it is not the end but the beginning of a new journey of discovery."


"My young gelding had no balance and couldn't bend. In an arena if we trotted or cantered we would get faster and faster - like a motorbike - and fall in on the corners. It was awful. He would brace against attempts to slow or bend him under saddle. His anxiety saddened me, and so I resigned myself to only riding him out on quiet trail rides. By accident I found ST. Now, when I change from one seat bone to the other, I feel his whole body change bend! The in-hand exercises have brought us closer together and opened up a whole new way of interacting. Sometimes we just walk out together, but when we accomplish something new in our lab, it is so fulfilling for us both. Our partnership develops daily, and it is cool what he can do now!"

Linda, Australia


"The Mastery Program came into my life at the perfect moment - when I was 5 months pregnant. I couldn't ride, but I could walk next to my horse. it kept us both fit. And if you can't walk anymore next to your horse, you can do liberty.So I would say if you are pregnant and don´t know what to do, or think about selling your horse or paying someone else to ride. DON´T. Do ST, and your horse will love you. This program has changed me more than my horses. It is not about making my horse better - making him/her to piaffe or tempo change - it is becoming a better version of yourself. It is more than a way to teach a horse. I love it. When I look at my horses, they are more at ease, relaxed and motivated." 

Anu, Estonia


When Marijke's email landed in my inbox it was a revelation to me! I had been stuck in a rut with my horses. I wanted to learn how to train them as the old masters did, to find an ethical way, to enjoy the time I spend with them. I had studied different books on how to train horses in hand and to teach them to carry me in balance but every trainer only offered part of the story and almost all advice was contrary to the other trainers! Without the benefit of an apprenticeship with an expert trainer I was left out in the cold looking for straight answers. Marijke's online program completely inspired me. I could finally learn how to do this stuff properly, on my own, with my own horse - and yes it is the real deal!

Wendy, UK

Please note that the testimonials and before/after pictures provided in relation to Straightness Training with Marijke de Jong are individual experiences, and as such, your results may vary. The outcome of your participation in the program is contingent upon various factors, including but not limited to, your personal characteristics, level of commitment, application of the steps and strategies provided, and other factors that may be out of your control.

What Sets ST Mastery Scholars Apart From Any Other Online Program 

01 | Proven Track Record

20 years, and thousands of students with horses from 100+ breeds who have turned their difficult horse into a dedicated partner.  

02 | All Horses are Welcome

There is a reason we're successful in the horse training world: our strategies work across the full range of breeds.

03 | All Students are Welcome

We work with riders across 65+ countries and from a variety of disciplines at virtually every stage of their journey. 

04 | Dedicated Coach to Guide You

You won't be on your own. Marijke will answer your questions, challenge you to stretch further, and inspire you to stay in action and persevere.

05 | 100% Action Taker Guarantee

This guarantee is our way of making safe that if you do the work and follow the STeps, it's absolutely certain that you'll get certified..

06 | World-Class Community

You’ll join a group of supportive equestrians who understand your obstacles, struggles, and setbacks, and celebrate your wins.

Scholars is right for you...

  • If you're just starting out, or for whatever reason, you're struggling with your horse, not getting the results you want, or you feel like you're stuck—this program will help you unstuck!
  • If you're pretty good in training your horse, but you want to go from good to great
  • If you're an instructor and struggling to overcome the natural asymmetry of your students' horses—you're at the right place to turn things around!
  • If you're willing to work harder on yourself than on your horse.
  • If you believe that hunger, heart and hard work are the key to success (not talent!).

Scholars is NOT right for you...

  • If you prefer in-person lessons or 1:1 coaching.
  • If you worry that you're already behind before you even begin. Remember, the best time to start ST was 20 years ago. The second best is now. 
  • If you let small decisions keep you stuck rather than dive in, learn from your mistakes, and constantly improve along the way. 
  • If you're looking for a quick fix to do the fancy exercises. Or program puts the well-being of your horse first—building muscles and strength takes time. 
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Now you and I have been going through all the details, let's spend some more time together in the ST Mastery Scholars Program!

I believe in you, I believe in your horse, I believe in this program, and I strongly believe that together we can do great things!


Let's Face It...

What If You Don’t Take the Next STep?"

Well, if you keep doing what you always did...

You get what you always got:

  • You’ll likely keep facing the same struggles,
  • The same stiffness.
  • The same stuckness.

And things could get worse, if you don't address your horse's asymmetry:

  • Your horse’s performance could suffer, leaving you both frustrated.
  • Your horse’s health may be at risk, as imbalances lead to wear and tear.

The worst-case scenario? 

  • Navicular disease
  • Kissing spines

Unaddressed natural asymmetry can RUIN your training session, your equestrian journey—even your horse's life!

You don’t have to let that happen!

Let's start working together to make a positive difference for your horse!

I can tell, there is nothing more fulfilling as when you are able to contribute to the well-being of your horse!

And you are meant to be one of the good horse trainers.

Let me help you get there!

Just Imagine Where You’ll Be in Just 8 Weeks!

  • Certified in Groundwork Grade 1 as proof of that what you do matters.
  • Well on your way to the next level.
  • Creating the transformation you’ve been waiting for.

I can't wait to witness that!

So join me in the ST Mastery Scholars Program.

With our 100% action-taker guarantee, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

So don’t miss out—your horse deserves it, and so do you!

Thank you for taking the time to read this page, and I look very much forward to STart working together!

 ~ Marijke de Jong

Ready For Real Change?

Join ST Mastery Scholars Now »